PHP - Manual: 示例
示例 #1 获取与设置根目录
$basePath1 = SeasLog::getBasePath();
$basePath2 = SeasLog::getBasePath();
string(12) "/var/log/www" string(14) "/log/base_test"
示例 #2 获取与设置 logger
$lastLogger1 = SeasLog::getLastLogger();
$lastLogger2 = SeasLog::getLastLogger();
string(7) "default" string(15) "testModule/app1"
示例 #3 快速写入日志
SeasLog::log(SEASLOG_ERROR,'this is a error test by ::log');
SeasLog::debug('this is a {userName} debug',array('{userName}' => 'neeke'));
SeasLog::info('this is a info log');
SeasLog::notice('this is a notice log');
SeasLog::warning('your {website} was down,please {action} it ASAP!',array('{website}' => '','{action}' => 'rboot'));
SeasLog::error('a error log');
SeasLog::critical('some thing was critical');
SeasLog::alert('yes this is a {messageName}',array('{messageName}' => 'alertMSG'));
SeasLog::emergency('Just now, the house next door was completely burnt out! {note}',array('{note}' => 'it`s a joke'));
日志的默认模板是 seaslog.default_template = "%T | %L | %P | %Q | %t | %M". 这意味着,在默认情况下,日志的记录格式是: `{dateTime} | {level} | {pid} | {uniqid} | {timeStamp} | {logInfo}`.
seaslog.appender = 1
2014-07-27 08:53:52 | ERROR | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.786 | this is a error test by log 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | DEBUG | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.786 | this is a neeke debug 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | INFO | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | this is a info log 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | NOTICE | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | this is a notice log 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | WARNING | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | your was down,please rboot it ASAP! 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | ERROR | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | a error log 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | CRITICAL | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | some thing was critical 2014-07-27 08:53:52 | EMERGENCY | 23625 | 599159975a9ff | 1406422432.787 | Just now, the house next door was completely burnt out! it is a joke
seaslog.appender = 2 或 seaslog.appender = 3
The log style finally formatted such as: <15>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | DEBUG | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.322 | this is a neeke debug <14>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | INFO | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.323 | this is a info log <13>1 2017-08-27T01:24:59+08:00 vagrant-ubuntu-trusty test/logger[27171]: 2016-06-25 00:59:43 | NOTICE | 21423 | 599157af4e937 | 1466787583.324 | this is a notice log
示例 #4 快速获取某级别下日志的数量
SeasLog 通过系统命令管道调用 `grep -wc` 获取数量,并返回给 PHP (返回数组或单个数值).
$countResult1 = SeasLog::analyzerCount();
$countResult2 = SeasLog::analyzerCount(SEASLOG_WARNING);
$countResult3 = SeasLog::analyzerCount(SEASLOG_ERROR,date('Ymd',time()));
array(8) { ["DEBUG"]=> int(3) ["INFO"]=> int(3) ["NOTICE"]=> int(3) ["WARNING"]=> int(3) ["ERROR"]=> int(6) ["CRITICAL"]=> int(3) ["ALERT"]=> int(3) ["EMERGENCY"]=> int(3) } int(7) int(1)
示例 #5 获取某级别下日志的详情
SeasLog 通过系统命令管道调用 `grep -w` 获取日志详情,并返回数组给 PHP.
$detailErrorArray = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR);
array(6) { [0] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:02 | ERROR | 8568 | 599157af4e937 | 1393172042.717 | test error 3 " [1] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8594 | 5991576584446 | 1393172044.104 | test error 3 " [2] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8620 | 1502697015147 | 1393172044.862 | test error 3 " [3] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:05 | ERROR | 8646 | 599159975a9ff | 1393172045.989 | test error 3 " [4] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:07 | ERROR | 8672 | 599159986ec28 | 1393172047.882 | test error 3 " [5] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:08 | ERROR | 8698 | 5991599981cec | 1393172048.736 | test error 3 " } array(2) { [0] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:02 | ERROR | 8568 | 599157af4e937 | 1393172042.717 | test error 3 " [1] => string(83) "2014-02-24 00:14:04 | ERROR | 8594 | 5991576584446 | 1393172044.104 | test error 3 " }