Important note: This will only detect whether a transaction has been started using beginTransaction(). It will not be able to detect transactions started by any other means, for example by executing "START TRANSACTION".
PHP - Manual: PDO::inTransaction
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.3, Bundled pdo_pgsql, PHP 7, PHP 8)
PDO::inTransaction — 检查是否在事务内
Important note: This will only detect whether a transaction has been started using beginTransaction(). It will not be able to detect transactions started by any other means, for example by executing "START TRANSACTION".
At least for MySQL/MariaDB, inTransaction shows the real state of the transaction since 8.0
With respect to SQLite, this method does not always return the correct result. This applies to errors including SQLITE_FULL, SQLITE_IOERR, SQLITE_NOMEM, SQLITE_BUSY, and SQLITE_INTERRUPT. According to the documentation, these errors can cause an automatic rollback. The method does not take this into account (because it uses PDO's internal tracking mechanism).
However, SQLite has a way to find out whether the transaction was automatically rolled back or not. By using sqlite3_get_autocommit() C-language function.
In addition to what jlh says,
even with SQLite3 which automatically starts transaction,
inTransaction() only works after beginTransaction().
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:test.sql3', null, null, [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]);
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(false) : before beginTransaction()
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(true) : after beginTransaction()
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(false) : after commit() or rollBack()
}catch (PDOException $e){
echo 'PDOException: ' . $e->getMessage();
}catch (Exception | ErrorException $e){