PHP - Manual: mysqli_result::__construct
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
mysqli_result::__construct — Constructs a mysqli_result object
This method constructs a new mysqli_result object.
It can be used to create the mysqli_result object after calling the mysqli_real_query() or mysqli_multi_query() function. Constructing the object manually is equivalent to calling the mysqli_store_result() or mysqli_use_result() function.
仅以过程化样式:由 mysqli_connect() 或 mysqli_init() 返回的 mysqli 对象。
The result mode can be one of 2 constants indicating how the result will be returned from the MySQL server.
(default) - creates a
mysqli_result object with buffered result set.
- creates a
mysqli_result object with unbuffered result set.
As long as there are pending records waiting to be fetched, the
connection line will be busy and all subsequent calls will return error
Commands out of sync
. To avoid the error all records
must be fetched from the server or the result set must be discarded by
calling mysqli_free_result(). The connection must
remain open for the rows to be fetched.
If mysqli error reporting is enabled (MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR
) and the requested operation fails,
a warning is generated. If, in addition, the mode is set to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT
a mysqli_sql_exception is thrown instead.
示例 #1 Creation of a mysqli_result object
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
/* Select queries return a result set */
$mysqli->real_query("SELECT Name FROM City LIMIT 10");
$result = new mysqli_result($mysqli);
printf("Select returned %d rows.\n", $result->num_rows);
Select returned 10 rows.