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PHP - Manual: MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::encryptExpression



(mongodb >=1.16.0)

MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::encryptExpressionEncrypts a match or aggregate expression


final public MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::encryptExpression(array|object $expr, ?array $options = null): object

Encrypts a match or aggregate expression to query a range index.

To query with a range encrypted payload, the MongoDB\Driver\Manager must be configured with the "autoEncryption" driver option. The "bypassQueryAnalysis" auto encryption option may be true. The "bypassAutoEncryption" auto encryption option must be false.


The extension does not yet support range queries for Decimal128 BSON field types.



The match or aggregate expression to be encrypted. Expressions must use at least one of the $gt, $gte, $lt, or $lte operators. A top-level $and operator is required, even if only a single comparison operator is used.

An example of a supported match expression (applies to queries and the $match aggregation stage) is as follows:

    '$and' => [
        [ '<field>' => [ '$gt'  => '<value1>' ] ],
        [ '<field>' => [ '$lte' => '<value2>' ] ],

An example of a supported aggregate expression is as follows:

    '$and' => [
        [ '$gte' => [ '<fieldPath>', '<value1>' ] ],
        [ '$lt'  => [ '<fieldPath>', '<value2>' ] ],

Encryption options
Option Type Description
algorithm string

The encryption algorithm to be used. This option is required. Specify one of the following ClientEncryption constants:

contentionFactor int

The contention factor for evaluating queries with indexed, encrypted payloads.

This option only applies and may only be specified when algorithm is MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_INDEXED or MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_RANGE.

keyAltName string

Identifies a key vault collection document by keyAltName. This option is mutually exclusive with keyId and exactly one is required.

keyId MongoDB\BSON\Binary

Identifies a data key by _id. The value is a UUID (binary subtype 4). This option is mutually exclusive with keyAltName and exactly one is required.

queryType string

The query type for evaluating queries with indexed, encrypted payloads. Specify one of the following ClientEncryption constants:

This option only applies and may only be specified when algorithm is MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_INDEXED or MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_RANGE.

rangeOpts array

Index options for a queryable encryption field supporting "range" queries. The options below must match the values set in the encryptedFields of the target collection. For double and decimal128 BSON field types, min, max, and precision must all be set, or all be unset.

Range index options
Option Type Description
min mixed Required if precision is set. The minimum BSON value of the range.
max mixed Required if precision is set. The maximum BSON value of the range.
sparsity int Optional. Positive 64-bit integer.
precision int Optional. Positive 32-bit integer specifying precision to use for explicit encryption. May only be set for double or decimal128 BSON field types.
trimFactor int Optional. Positive 32-bit integer.


Returns the encrypted expression as an object.



版本 说明
PECL mongodb 1.20.0 Added the "trimFactor" range option. The "sparsity" range option is now optional.






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