List of options (with key => value) on official imagemagick site:
PHP - Manual: Imagick::setOption
(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)
Imagick::setOption — Set an option
Associates one or more options with the wand.
成功时返回 true
示例 #1 Attempt to reach '$extent' sizeImagick::setOption()
function renderJPG($extent) {
$imagePath = $this->control->getImagePath();
$imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath));
$imagick->setOption('jpeg:extent', $extent);
header("Content-Type: image/jpg");
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();
示例 #2 Imagick::setOption()
function renderPNG($imagePath, $format) {
$imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath));
$imagick->setOption('png:format', $format);
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();
//Save as 64bit PNG.
renderPNG($imagePath, 'png64');
示例 #3 Imagick::setOption()
function renderCustomBitDepthPNG() {
$imagePath = $this->control->getImagePath();
$imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath));
$imagick->setOption('png:bit-depth', '16');
$imagick->setOption('png:color-type', 6);
header("Content-Type: image/png");
$crash = true;
if ($crash) {
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();
else {
$tempFilename = tempnam('./', 'imagick');
echo file_get_contents($tempFilename);
List of options (with key => value) on official imagemagick site:
If you want to extract a preview from a PDF file using the CropBox instead of the whole document, setOption() is the right method:
$handler = new Imagick();
$handler->setOption('pdf:use-cropbox', 'true');
$handler->thumbnailImage(200, 200, true);
It is the equivalent to the -define pdf:use-cropbox=true for the convert command line tool. pdf:use-trimbox is also available.
Note that on my environment the setOption only worked when i called it before the readImage method, which means that you can't pass the filename to the Imagick constructor directly.
Actually setImageArtifact () can be used if setOption () fails, e.g.
$im->setImageartifact ("distort:viewport", "960x540+0-151");
Or maybe setOption () is deprecated.
It does not appear to be possible to disable anti-aliasing using the setOption() method as might be expected, and calling the setOption() method like this does not do anything:
$imagick->setOption('antialias', FALSE);
As discussed at the correct way to do this appears to be to use the setAntiAlias() method, which is not currently documented in the PHP manual. As an example, to disable anti-aliasing for an image you can do this: