PHP - Manual: xdiff_file_bdiff
(PECL xdiff >= 1.5.0)
xdiff_file_bdiff — Make binary diff of two files
Makes a binary diff of two files and stores the result in a patch file. This function works with both text and binary files. Resulting patch file can be later applied using xdiff_file_bpatch()/xdiff_string_bpatch().
Path to the first file. This file acts as "old" file.
Path to the second file. This file acts as "new" file.
Path of the resulting patch file. Resulting file contains differences between "old" and "new" files. It is in binary format and is human-unreadable.
示例 #1 xdiff_file_bdiff() example
The following code makes binary diff of two archives.
$old_version = 'my_script_1.0.tgz';
$new_version = 'my_script_1.1.tgz';
xdiff_file_bdiff($old_version, $new_version, 'my_script.bdiff');
Both files will be loaded into memory so ensure that your memory_limit is set high enough.