If you'd like to understand pack/unpack. There is a tutorial here in perl, that works equally well in understanding it for php:
PHP - Manual: pack
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
pack — 将数据打包成二进制字符串
将输入参数打包成 format
这个函数的思想来自 Perl,所有格式化代码(format
Perl 相同。 但是,缺少了部分格式代码,比如 Perl 的 “u”。
注意,有符号值和无符号值之间的区别只影响函数 unpack(),在那些使用有符号和无符号格式代码的地方 pack() 函数产生相同的结果。
值来重复到输入数据的末尾。对于 a, A, h, H
代码 | 描述 |
a | 以 NUL 字节填充字符串 |
A | 以 SPACE(空格) 填充字符串 |
h | 十六进制字符串,低位在前 |
H | 十六进制字符串,高位在前 |
c | 有符号字符 |
C | 无符号字符 |
s | 有符号短整型(16位,主机字节序) |
S | 无符号短整型(16位,主机字节序) |
n | 无符号短整型(16位,大端字节序) |
v | 无符号短整型(16位,小端字节序) |
i | 有符号整型(机器相关大小字节序) |
I | 无符号整型(机器相关大小字节序) |
l | 有符号长整型(32位,主机字节序) |
L | 无符号长整型(32位,主机字节序) |
N | 无符号长整型(32位,大端字节序) |
V | 无符号长整型(32位,小端字节序) |
q | 有符号长长整型(64位,主机字节序) |
Q | 无符号长长整型(64位,主机字节序) |
J | 无符号长长整型(64位,大端字节序) |
P | 无符号长长整型(64位,小端字节序) |
f | 单精度浮点型(机器相关大小) |
g | 单精度浮点型(机器相关大小,小端字节序) |
G | 单精度浮点型(机器相关大小,大端字节序) |
d | 双精度浮点型(机器相关大小) |
e | 双精度浮点型(机器相关大小,小端字节序) |
E | 双精度浮点型(机器相关大小,大端字节序) |
x | NUL 字节 |
X | 回退一字节 |
Z | 以 NUL 字节填充字符串空白 |
@ | NUL 填充到绝对位置 |
版本 | 说明 |
8.0.0 |
此函数不再在失败时返回 false 。
7.2.0 | float 和 double 类型支持大端和小端。 |
7.0.15,7.1.1 | 添加了 “e”,“E”,“g” 和 “G” 代码以启用 float 和 double 的字节顺序支持。 |
示例 #1 pack() 示例
$binarydata = pack("nvc*", 0x1234, 0x5678, 65, 66);
输出结果为长度为 6 字节的二进制字符串,包含以下序列 0x12, 0x34, 0x78, 0x56, 0x41, 0x42。
注意,PHP 内部将以有符号的形式存储 int 值,其大小取决于机器。整数文字和运算的结果超出 int 类型范围,将存储为 float。将这些浮点数打包为整数时,首先会转换为整数类型。这一过程可能不会产生预期的字节模式。
最典型的情况是当要打包那些无符号 int 类型就可以表示的无符号数字。在 int 类型为 32
位的系统中,转换通常会产生与 int 类型为无符号时相同的字节模式(尽管这取决于 C 标准中定义的、由具体实现决定的无符号转有符号规则)。对于
int 类型为 64 位的系统,float 可能无法提供足够的尾数位数来保存值而不会损失精度。如果这些系统也支持本地 64 位 C
类型(多数类 UNIX 系统并不支持),那么要在高范围使用 I
If you'd like to understand pack/unpack. There is a tutorial here in perl, that works equally well in understanding it for php:
A helper class to convert integer to binary strings and vice versa. Useful for writing and reading integers to / from files or sockets.
class int_helper
public static function int8($i) {
return is_int($i) ? pack("c", $i) : unpack("c", $i)[1];
public static function uInt8($i) {
return is_int($i) ? pack("C", $i) : unpack("C", $i)[1];
public static function int16($i) {
return is_int($i) ? pack("s", $i) : unpack("s", $i)[1];
public static function uInt16($i, $endianness=false) {
$f = is_int($i) ? "pack" : "unpack";
if ($endianness === true) { // big-endian
$i = $f("n", $i);
else if ($endianness === false) { // little-endian
$i = $f("v", $i);
else if ($endianness === null) { // machine byte order
$i = $f("S", $i);
return is_array($i) ? $i[1] : $i;
public static function int32($i) {
return is_int($i) ? pack("l", $i) : unpack("l", $i)[1];
public static function uInt32($i, $endianness=false) {
$f = is_int($i) ? "pack" : "unpack";
if ($endianness === true) { // big-endian
$i = $f("N", $i);
else if ($endianness === false) { // little-endian
$i = $f("V", $i);
else if ($endianness === null) { // machine byte order
$i = $f("L", $i);
return is_array($i) ? $i[1] : $i;
public static function int64($i) {
return is_int($i) ? pack("q", $i) : unpack("q", $i)[1];
public static function uInt64($i, $endianness=false) {
$f = is_int($i) ? "pack" : "unpack";
if ($endianness === true) { // big-endian
$i = $f("J", $i);
else if ($endianness === false) { // little-endian
$i = $f("P", $i);
else if ($endianness === null) { // machine byte order
$i = $f("Q", $i);
return is_array($i) ? $i[1] : $i;
Usage example:
Header("Content-Type: text/plain");
echo int_helper::uInt8(0x6b) . PHP_EOL; // k
echo int_helper::uInt8(107) . PHP_EOL; // k
echo int_helper::uInt8("\x6b") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // 107
echo int_helper::uInt16(4101) . PHP_EOL; // \x05\x10
echo int_helper::uInt16("\x05\x10") . PHP_EOL; // 4101
echo int_helper::uInt16("\x05\x10", true) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // 1296
echo int_helper::uInt32(2147483647) . PHP_EOL; // \xff\xff\xff\x7f
echo int_helper::uInt32("\xff\xff\xff\x7f") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // 2147483647
// Note: Test this with 64-bit build of PHP
echo int_helper::uInt64(9223372036854775807) . PHP_EOL; // \xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f
echo int_helper::uInt64("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // 9223372036854775807
Note that the the upper command in perl looks like this:
$binarydata = pack ("n v c*", 0x1234, 0x5678, 65, 66);
In PHP it seems that no whitespaces are allowed in the first parameter. So if you want to convert your pack command from perl -> PHP, don't forget to remove the whitespaces!
If you need to unpack a signed short from big-endian or little-endian specifically, instead of machine-byte-order, you need only unpack it as the unsigned form, and then if the result is >= 2^15, subtract 2^16 from it.
And example would be:
$foo = unpack("n", $signedbigendianshort);
$foo = $foo[1];
if($foo >= pow(2, 15)) $foo -= pow(2, 16);
/* Convert float from HostOrder to Network Order */
function FToN( $val )
$a = unpack("I",pack( "f",$val ));
return pack("N",$a[1] );
/* Convert float from Network Order to HostOrder */
function NToF($val )
$a = unpack("N",$val);
$b = unpack("f",pack( "I",$a[1]));
return $b[1];
Be aware of format code H always padding the 0 for byte-alignment to the right (for odd count of nibbles).
So pack("H", "7") results in 0x70 (ASCII character 'p') and not in 0x07 (BELL character)
as well as pack("H*", "347") results in 0x34 ('4') and 0x70 ('p') and not 0x03 and 0x47.
You will get the same effect with
function _readInt($fp)
return unpack('V', fread($fp, 4));
or unpack('N', ...) for big-endianness.
Even though in a 64-bit architecure intval(6123456789) = 6123456789, and sprintf('%b', 5000000000) = 100101010000001011111001000000000
pack will not treat anything passed to it as 64-bit. If you want to pack a 64-bit integer:
$big = 5000000000;
$left = 0xffffffff00000000;
$right = 0x00000000ffffffff;
$l = ($big & $left) >>32;
$r = $big & $right;
$good = pack('NN', $l, $r);
$urlsafe = str_replace(array('+','/'), array('-','_'), base64_encode($good));
$unurl = str_replace(array('-','_'), array('+','/'), $urlsafe);
$binary = base64_decode($unurl);
$set = unpack('N2', $tmp);
$original = $set[1] << 32 | $set[2];
echo $original, "\\r\\n";
results in:
[1] => 1
[2] => 705032704
but ONLY on a 64-bit enabled machine and PHP distro.
h Hex string, low nibble first (not same hex2bin())
H Hex string, high nibble first (same hex2bin())
Using pack to write Arabic char(s) to a file.
$text = "㔆㘆㘆";
$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UCS-2BE", "HTML-ENTITIES");
$len = mb_strlen($text);
$bom = mb_convert_encoding("", "unicode", "HTML-ENTITIES");
$fp = fopen('text.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fp, pack('a2', $bom));
fwrite($fp, pack("a{$len}", $text));
fwrite($fp, pack('a2', $bom));
fwrite($fp, pack('a2', "\n"));