Your target image resource not must be paletted if you want to use blending.
This means using ImageCreateTrueColor() rather than ImageCreate().
(If your source is e.g. a jpeg and you've used ImageCreateFromJPEG(), the above is irrelevant.)
PHP - Manual: imagealphablending
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
imagealphablending — 设定图像的混色模式
, bool $blendmode
): bool
通道色彩成分提供给所有的绘画函数,例如 imagesetpixel()
alpha 通道信息一起被拷贝,替换掉目标像素。混色模式在画调色板图像时不可用。如果
为 true
,则启用混色模式,否则关闭。成功时返回 true
, 或者在失败时返回 false
由图象创建函数(例如imagecreatetruecolor())返回的 GdImage 对象。
Whether to enable the blending mode or not. On true color images
the default value is true
otherwise the default value is false
成功时返回 true
, 或者在失败时返回 false
示例 #1 imagealphablending() usage example
// Create image
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100);
// Set alphablending to on
imagealphablending($im, true);
// Draw a square
imagefilledrectangle($im, 30, 30, 70, 70, imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0));
// Output
header('Content-type: image/png');
Your target image resource not must be paletted if you want to use blending.
This means using ImageCreateTrueColor() rather than ImageCreate().
(If your source is e.g. a jpeg and you've used ImageCreateFromJPEG(), the above is irrelevant.)
If you are trying to copy a transparant image on to another image, you might assume that you should apply the ImageAlphaBlending function to the image that has the transparancy, the source image. In reality, you must apply the ImageAlphaBlending function to the destination image. Basically it's saying, "make the specified image respect transparancy".
Here's a real world example. Suppose you want to put your logo on the upper left corner of a photograph. Your logo is a PNG with transparancy, and the photo is a JPEG. Here's what you would do:
$photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG('photo.jpg');
ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true);
$logoImage = ImageCreateFromPNG('logo.png');
$logoW = ImageSX($logoImage);
$logoH = ImageSY($logoImage);
ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $logoW, $logoH);
ImageJPEG($photoImage); // output to browser
I have been looking around for a while to find a script which does the following: generates image with text using specified font with given color, but with totally transparent background (by alpha-channnel, not via color transparency). Finally, I have created the script by myself. It's just a rough idea how to do it.
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