Calling apcu_delete() on an unexisting cached variable name doesn't generate a NOTICE (nor WARNING), making it safe to use if unsure of the state of that variable.
PHP - Manual: apcu_delete
(PECL apcu >= 4.0.0)
apcu_delete — Removes a stored variable from the cache
A key
used to store the value as a
string for a single key,
or as an array of strings for several keys,
or as an APCUIterator object.
If key
is an array, an indexed array of the keys is returned.
Otherwise true
is returned on success, or false
on failure.
示例 #1 A apcu_delete() example
$bar = 'BAR';
apcu_store('foo', $bar);
// this is obviously useless in this form
// Alternatively delete multiple keys.
apcu_delete(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
// Or use an Iterator with a regular expression.
apcu_delete(new APCUIterator('#^myprefix_#'));
Calling apcu_delete() on an unexisting cached variable name doesn't generate a NOTICE (nor WARNING), making it safe to use if unsure of the state of that variable.