PHP - Manual: Ds\Map::get
(PECL ds >= 1.0.0)
Ds\Map::get — Returns the value for a given key
Returns the value for a given key, or an optional default value if the key could not be found.
Keys of type object are supported. If an object implements Ds\Hashable, equality will be determined by the object's
function. If an object does not implement Ds\Hashable, objects must be references to the same instance to be considered equal.
You can also use array syntax to access values by key, eg.
Be careful when using array syntax. Scalar keys will be coerced to
integers by the engine. For example, $map["1"]
will attempt
to access int(1)
, while $map->get("1")
correctly look up the string key.
See Arrays.
The key to look up.
The optional default value, returned if the key could not be found.
The value mapped to the given key
, or the default
value if provided and the key could not be found in the map.
OutOfBoundsException if the key could not be found and a default value was not provided.
示例 #1 Ds\Map::get() example
$map = new \Ds\Map(["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3]);
var_dump($map->get("a")); // 1
var_dump($map->get("d", 10)); // 10 (default used)
int(1) int(10)
示例 #2 Ds\Map::get() example using array syntax
$map = new \Ds\Map(["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3]);
var_dump($map["a"]); // 1