To simply enlist all methods and properties of an object simply write:
<?php ReflectionObject::export($yourObject); ?>
,which will cause an var_export-like output.
PHP - Manual: ReflectionObject
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
ReflectionObject 类报告了一个对象(object)的相关信息。
对象的类名。只读,在尝试赋值的时候会抛出 ReflectionException。
To simply enlist all methods and properties of an object simply write:
<?php ReflectionObject::export($yourObject); ?>
,which will cause an var_export-like output.
class FullReflectionObject {
* @var obj => $ReflectionObject = propriedade que representa o objeto $ReflectionObject
* @var obj => $ReflectionProperty = propriedade que representa o objeto $ReflectionProperty
* @var obj => $ReflectionMethod = propriedade que representa o objeto $ReflectionMethod
* @var obj => $ReflectionParameter = propriedade que representa o objeto $ReflectionParameter
* @var bol => $reflect_object = true se o método object() for invocado
* @var bol => $reflect_property = true se o método property() for invocado
* @var bol => $reflect_method = true se o método method() for invocado
* @var bol => $reflect_parameter = true se o método parameter() for invocado
private $ReflectionObject;
private $ReflectionProperty;
private $ReflectionMethod;
private $ReflectionParameter;
private $reflect_object = false;
private $reflect_property = false;
private $reflect_method = false;
private $reflect_parameter = false;
* @param obj => $object = objeto a ser refletido
public function object(object $object) : object {
$this->reflect_object = true;
$this->ReflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
return $this;
* @param str => $class_name = nome da classe o qual a properiedade ser refletida pertence
* @param str => $property = nome da properiedade a ser refletida
public function property(string $class_name, string $property) : object {
$this->reflect_property = true;
$this->ReflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($class_name, $property);
return $this;
* @param str => $class_name = nome da classe o qual o método ser refletido pertence
* @param str => $method = nome do método a ser refletido
public function method(string $class_name, string $method) : object {
$this->reflect_method = true;
$this->ReflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($class_name, $method);
return $this;
* @param str => $class_name = nome da classe o qual o parametro a ser refletido pertence
* @param str => $method = nome do método o qual o parametro a ser refletido pertence
* @param str => $parameter = nome do parametro a ser refletido
public function parameter(string $class_name, string $method, string $parameter) : object {
$this->reflect_parameter = true;
$this->ReflectionParameter = new \ReflectionParameter(array($class_name, $method), $parameter);
return $this;
public function __call($methodName, $args){
return call_user_func_array(array($this->ReflectionObject, $methodName), $args);
return call_user_func_array(array($this->ReflectionProperty, $methodName), $args);
return call_user_func_array(array($this->ReflectionMethod, $methodName), $args);
return call_user_func_array(array($this->ReflectionParameter, $methodName), $args);
// Digamos que você tenha no seu projeto a classe Client do pacote Guzzle
$FullReflectionObject = new FullReflectionObject;
var_dump($FullReflectionObject->object(new GuzzleHttp\Client)->getMethods());
var_dump($FullReflectionObject->property('GuzzleHttp\Client', 'config')->isPrivate());
var_dump($FullReflectionObject->method('GuzzleHttp\Client', 'buildUri')->isPrivate());
var_dump($FullReflectionObject->parameter('GuzzleHttp\Client', 'send', 'options')->getDefaultValue());
class a {
const abc = 1;
public function __get($key){
$r = new ReflectionObject($this);
if($r->hasConstant($key)){ return $r->getConstant($key); }
class b {
public function getA(){
return new a();
$b = new b();