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PHP - Manual: DOMCdataSection


The DOMCdataSection class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The DOMCdataSection inherits from DOMText for textural representation of CData constructs.


class DOMCdataSection extends DOMText {
/* 继承的属性 */
public readonly string $wholeText;
public string $data;
public readonly int $length;
public readonly string $nodeName;
public ?string $nodeValue;
public readonly int $nodeType;
public readonly ?DOMNode $parentNode;
public readonly DOMNodeList $childNodes;
public readonly ?DOMNode $firstChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $lastChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $previousSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNode $nextSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes;
public readonly ?DOMDocument $ownerDocument;
public readonly ?string $namespaceURI;
public string $prefix;
public readonly ?string $localName;
public readonly ?string $baseURI;
public string $textContent;
/* 方法 */
public __construct(string $data)
/* 继承的方法 */
public DOMText::splitText(int $offset): DOMText|false
public DOMCharacterData::appendData(string $data): bool
public DOMCharacterData::deleteData(int $offset, int $count): bool
public DOMCharacterData::insertData(int $offset, string $data): bool
public DOMCharacterData::replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): bool
public DOMCharacterData::substringData(int $offset, int $count): string|false
public DOMNode::appendChild(DOMNode $node): DOMNode|false
public DOMNode::C14N(
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): string|false
public DOMNode::C14NFile(
    string $uri,
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): int|false
public DOMNode::cloneNode(bool $deep = false): DOMNode|false
public DOMNode::getLineNo(): int
public DOMNode::getNodePath(): ?string
public DOMNode::hasAttributes(): bool
public DOMNode::hasChildNodes(): bool
public DOMNode::insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = null): DOMNode|false
public DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): bool
public DOMNode::isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): bool
public DOMNode::isSupported(string $feature, string $version): bool
public DOMNode::lookupNamespaceUri(string $prefix): string
public DOMNode::lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ?string
public DOMNode::normalize(): void
public DOMNode::removeChild(DOMNode $child): DOMNode|false
public DOMNode::replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child): DOMNode|false


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