PHP - Manual: SplFileObject::fgetss
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)
SplFileObject::fgetss — Gets line from file and strip HTML tags
本函数已自 PHP 7.3.0 起弃用,自 PHP 8.0.0 起移除。强烈建议不要依赖本函数。
Identical to SplFileObject::fgets(), except that SplFileObject::fgetss() attempts to strip any HTML and PHP tags from the text it reads. The function retains the parsing state from call to call, and as such is not equivalent to calling strip_tags() on the return value of SplFileObject::fgets().
Optional parameter to specify tags which should not be stripped.
Returns a string containing the next line of the file with HTML and PHP
code stripped, or false
on error.
示例 #1 SplFileObject::fgetss() example
$str = <<<EOD
<p>Welcome! Today is the <?php echo(date('jS')); ?> of <?= date('F'); ?>.</p>
Text outside of the HTML block.
file_put_contents("sample.php", $str);
$file = new SplFileObject("sample.php");
while (!$file->eof()) {
echo $file->fgetss();
Welcome! Today is the of . Text outside of the HTML block.