PHP - Manual: ReflectionParameter::getType
(PHP 7, PHP 8)
ReflectionParameter::getType — Gets a parameter's type
Returns a ReflectionType object if a parameter type is
specified, null
示例 #1 ReflectionParameter::getType() Usage as of PHP 7.1.0
As of PHP 7.1.0, ReflectionType::__toString() is deprecated, and ReflectionParameter::getType() may return an instance of ReflectionNamedType. To get the name of the parameter type, ReflectionNamedType() is available in this case.
function someFunction(int $param, $param2) {}
$reflectionFunc = new ReflectionFunction('someFunction');
$reflectionParams = $reflectionFunc->getParameters();
$reflectionType1 = $reflectionParams[0]->getType();
$reflectionType2 = $reflectionParams[1]->getType();
assert($reflectionType1 instanceof ReflectionNamedType);
echo $reflectionType1->getName(), PHP_EOL;
int NULL
示例 #2 ReflectionParameter::getType() Usage before PHP 7.1.0
function someFunction(int $param, $param2) {}
$reflectionFunc = new ReflectionFunction('someFunction');
$reflectionParams = $reflectionFunc->getParameters();
$reflectionType1 = $reflectionParams[0]->getType();
$reflectionType2 = $reflectionParams[1]->getType();
echo $reflectionType1, PHP_EOL;
以上示例在 PHP 7.0 中的输出:
int NULL
示例 #3 ReflectionParameter::getType() Usage in PHP 8.0.0 and later
As of PHP 8.0.0, this method may return a ReflectionNamedType instance or
a ReflectionUnionType instance. The latter is a collection of the former.
To analyze a type, it is often convenient to normalize it to an array of ReflectionNamedType
objects. The following function will return an array of 0
or more ReflectionNamedType
function getAllTypes(ReflectionParameter $reflectionParameter): array
$reflectionType = $reflectionParameter->getType();
if (!$reflectionType) return [];
return $reflectionType instanceof ReflectionUnionType
? $reflectionType->getTypes()
: [$reflectionType];