There is a more robust version of this extension, and other goodies for working with vpopmail from PHP available at:
The extension will get added back to PECL once it is finished and tested.
PHP - Manual: vpopmail 函数
There is a more robust version of this extension, and other goodies for working with vpopmail from PHP available at:
The extension will get added back to PECL once it is finished and tested.
If you set vpopmail up with mysql support its quite easy to get a full listing of domains/users. You'l only have to use the vpopmail php functions to add/delete users/domains in a own written front end.
In reply to "You can easily save the directory listing of ~vpopmail/domains"
This would only work if you had 100 domains or less. After that, domains are broken up into directories. Vpopmail will not put more then 100 domains in a directory because it's not efficient.
just compile MySQL support into vpopmail and you've got it. then you can get all the needed info from the db.
In regard to an earlier post:
You can easily save the directory listing of ~vpopmail/domains and get the list of all domains on your system.
That's fairly easy and if you don't add/remove each day, you can keep the list static or update it via cron on certain intervals.
This library is kind of useless without key functions like get_domain_info() and list_all_domains(). You can add and delete virtual domains, but you cannot list or view them. Without such functionality you can't go and write your own PHP front end to qmail.
Well, you can safe your qmail-data like the domains, etc. in a database, which is quite usefull in my eyes. You just have to keep the data synchronized.