I have tested this and found that the "dbname" field is optional. Which is a good thing if you must first create the db.
After creating a db be sure to exec a "use dbname;" command, or else use fully specified table references.
(PECL PDO_MYSQL >= 0.1.0)
PDO_MYSQL DSN — Connecting to MySQL databases
The PDO_MYSQL Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements:
The DSN prefix is mysql:
The hostname on which the database server resides.
The port number where the database server is listening.
The name of the database.
The MySQL Unix socket (shouldn't be used with host
or port
The character set. See the character set concepts documentation for more information.
示例 #1 PDO_MYSQL DSN examples
The following example shows a PDO_MYSQL DSN for connecting to MySQL databases:
mysql:host=localhost;port=3307;dbname=testdb mysql:unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock;dbname=testdb
注意: Unix only:
When the host name is set to
, then the connection to the server is made through a domain socket. If PDO_MYSQL is compiled against libmysqlclient then the location of the socket file is at libmysqlclient's compiled in location. If PDO_MYSQL is compiled against mysqlnd a default socket can be set through the pdo_mysql.default_socket setting.
I have tested this and found that the "dbname" field is optional. Which is a good thing if you must first create the db.
After creating a db be sure to exec a "use dbname;" command, or else use fully specified table references.
xwisdom made a mistake in his comment and got it backwards, correction below:
If you are having problems accessing a remote MYSQL database, the solution is to make sure that you add a white-space after "mysql:"
Change this...:
...to this:
mysql: host=remote;
See original solution here:
here is the example i prefer myself, in my opinion, this is almost always "the correct way" to do it:
$db = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8mb4', 'username', 'password', array(