Grapheme 函数
- grapheme_extract — Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8
- grapheme_str_split — Split a string into an array
- grapheme_stripos — Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
- grapheme_stristr — Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack
- grapheme_strlen — Get string length in grapheme units
- grapheme_strpos — Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string
- grapheme_strripos — Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string
- grapheme_strrpos — Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string
- grapheme_strstr — Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack
- grapheme_substr — Return part of a string