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PHP - Manual: PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1 series


PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1 series


  • Release date: 09/2011
  • Motto/theme: Cover replication basics with production quality

The 1.1 and 1.0 series expose a similar feature set. Internally, the 1.1 series has been refactored to plan for future feature additions. A new configuration file format has been introduced, and limitations have been lifted. And the code quality and quality assurance has been improved.

Feature changes

  • Added the (chainable) filter concept:

    • BC break: mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server() has been removed. Thehttp://svn.php.net/viewvc/pecl/mysqlnd_ms/trunk/ user filter has been introduced to replace it. The filter offers similar functionality, but see below for an explanation of the differences.
  • New powerful JSON based configuration syntax.
  • Lazy connections improved: security relevant, and state changing commands are covered.
  • Support for (native) prepared statements.
  • New statistics: use_master_guess, use_slave_guess.

    • BC break: Semantics of statistics changed for use_slave, use_master. Future changes are likely. Please see, mysqlnd_ms_get_stats().
  • List of broadcasted messages extended by ssl_set.
  • Library calls now monitored to remember settings for lazy connections: change_user, select_db, set_charset, set_autocommit.
  • Introduced mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split. The configuration setting allows using the load balancing and lazy connection functionality independently of read write splitting.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PECL #22724 - Server switching (mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select() case sensitive)
  • Fixed PECL #22784 - Using mysql_connect and mysql_select_db did not work
  • Fixed PECL #59982 - Unusable extension with --enable-mysqlnd-ms-table-filter. Use of the option is NOT supported. You must not used it. Added note to m4.
  • Fixed Bug #60119 - host="localhost" lost in mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection()

The mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server() function was removed, and replaced in favor of a new user filter. You can no longer set a callback function using mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server() at runtime, but instead have to configure it in the plugins configuration file. The user filter will pass the same arguments to the callback as before. Therefore, you can continue to use the same procedural function as a callback.callback It is no longer possible to use static class methods, or class methods of an object instance, as a callback. Doing so will cause the function executing a statement handled by the plugin to emit an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR level error, which might look like: "(mysqlnd_ms) Specified callback (picker) is not a valid callback." Note: this may halt your application.

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