PHP - Manual: IntlCalendar::isWeekend
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)
IntlCalendar::isWeekend — Whether a certain date/time is in the weekend
Returns whether either the obejctʼs current time or the provided timestamp occur during a weekend in this objectʼs calendar system.
This function requires ICU 4.4 or later.
IntlCalendar 实例。
An optional timestamp representing the number of milliseconds since the
epoch, excluding leap seconds. If null
, this objectʼs current time is
used instead.
A bool indicating whether the given or this objectʼs time occurs in a weekend.
On failure false
is also returned. To detect error conditions use intl_get_error_code(), or set up Intl to throw exceptions.
示例 #1 IntlCalendar::isWeekend()
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Lisbon');
$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(NULL, 'en_US');
$cal->set(2013, 6 /* July */, 7); // a Sunday
var_dump($cal->isWeekend()); // true
var_dump($cal->isWeekend(strtotime('2013-07-01 00:00:00'))); // false, Monday
$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(NULL, 'ar_SA');
$cal->set(2013, 6 /* July */, 7); // a Sunday
var_dump($cal->isWeekend()); // false, Sunday not in weekend in this calendar