To install the PECL on debian based linux distros (ubuntu, mint, kali, etc.)
Use the apitude command:
sudo apt-get install php-pear
I hope helped someone
PHP - Manual: 用 PEAR 编译共享 PECL 扩展库
PECL 使建立共享 PHP 扩展库更容易。用 » pecl 命令这样做:
$ pecl install extname
这将下载 extname 的源代码,编译之,并将 安装到 extension_dir 中。然后 就可以通过 php.ini 加载了。
默认情况下,pecl 命令不会安装标记为
状态的包。如果没有 stable
包可用,也可以用以下命令安装一个 beta
$ pecl install extname-beta
$ pecl install extname-0.1
在 php.ini 中启用扩展之后,需要重新启动 web 服务以使更改生效。
To install the PECL on debian based linux distros (ubuntu, mint, kali, etc.)
Use the apitude command:
sudo apt-get install php-pear
I hope helped someone
Options to pass to configure (with -D or --configureoptions=) need to be specified this way in a Dockerfile RUN command:
RUN pecl install -D 'with-example-dir="/dir" enable-example-thing="yes"' package
RUN pecl install --configureoptions='with-example-dir="/dir" enable-example-thing="yes"' package
Otherwise, docker build might quote the command in a way that pecl doesn't parse correctly, and the build will fail with an error like this one:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /usr/local/lib/php/PEAR/Builder.php:397
The Arch Linux package that contains PECL is 'php-pear'
# pacman -S php-pear
To compile pecl extensions on Amazon Linux AMIs, follow the tutorial at and then install these additional required packages with the following command:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo yum install php-devel zlib-devel curl-devel gcc
You should then be able to compile pecl extensions; for example, enter the following command to compile the pecl_http extension:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo pecl install pecl_http
to use the pecl, pear, or phpize commands in fedora, install the php-devel package:
$ yum install php-devel