PHP - Manual: Clearsign text
This example will clearsign a given text.
示例 #1 gnupg clearsign example (procedural)
// init gnupg
$res = gnupg_init();
// not really needed. Clearsign is default
// add key with passphrase 'test' for signing
// sign
$signed = gnupg_sign($res,"just a test");
echo $signed;
示例 #2 gnupg clearsign example (OO)
// new class
$gnupg = new gnupg();
// not really needed. Clearsign is default
// add key with passphrase 'test' for signing
// sign
$signed = $gnupg->sign("just a test");
echo $signed;
示例 #3 keylistiterator
This extension also comes with an Iterator for your keyring.
// create a new iterator for listing all public keys that matches 'example'
$iterator = new gnupg_keylistiterator("example");
foreach($iterator as $fingerprint => $userid){
echo $fingerprint." -> ".$userid."\n";