Easiest work-around I've found for <5.3:
$string = "CamelCase"
$string{0} = strtolower($string{0})
echo $string; // outputs camelCase
PHP - Manual: lcfirst
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
lcfirst — 使一个字符串的第一个字符小写
): string
返回第一个字母小写的 str
需要注意的是“字母”是由当前语言区域决定的。比如,在默认的“C”区域像日耳曼语系中的元音变音a (ä) 将不会被转换。
示例 #1 lcfirst() 例子:
$foo = 'HelloWorld';
$foo = lcfirst($foo); // helloWorld
$bar = 'HELLO WORLD!';
$bar = lcfirst($bar); // hELLO WORLD!
$bar = lcfirst(strtoupper($bar)); // hELLO WORLD!
Easiest work-around I've found for <5.3:
$string = "CamelCase"
$string{0} = strtolower($string{0})
echo $string; // outputs camelCase
In some cases maybe more useful?
$lower = strtolower( substr($upper,0,1) ) . substr($upper,1);
A slight modification from Northie's post here ( http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.ucfirst.php#68443), where lcfirst may not exist in your PHP build:
if(false === function_exists('lcfirst'))
* Make a string's first character lowercase
* @param string $str
* @return string the resulting string.
function lcfirst( $str ) {
$str[0] = strtolower($str[0]);
return (string)$str;
/* Tests */
echo var_dump(lcFirst(NULL)).'<br />'; /* string(0) "" */
echo var_dump(lcFirst('')) .'<br />'; /* string(0) "" */
echo var_dump(lcFirst('S')) .'<br />'; /* string(1) "S" */
echo var_dump(lcFirst('É')) .'<br />'; /* string(0) "�" */
echo var_dump(lcFirst('Hello World!!!')); /* string(14) "hello World!!!" */
As of PHP release 6 direct reference modification is not permitted any more.
Reference modification is the process of manipulating characters within a string by means of the instruction such as:
$str[0] in the code line: $str[0] = strtolower($str[0]);
For this reason I have recoded the lcfirst function (on function_exists('lcfirst') === false) as follows:
if ( false === function_exists('lcfirst') ):
function lcfirst( $str )
{ return (string)(strtolower(substr($str,0,1)).substr($str,1));}
Also notice that I have used the more modern scope delimeters (if:-endif;) and I have also removed the unnecessary intermediate result. That is, the manipulation is returned directly.