PHP - Manual: gmp_div_qr
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
gmp_div_qr — Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder
The function divides num1
by num2
The number being divided.
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
The number that num1
is being divided by.
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
See the gmp_div_q() function for description
of the rounding_mode
Returns an array, with the first
element being [n/d]
(the integer result of the
division) and the second being (n - [n/d] * d)
(the remainder of the division).
示例 #1 Division of GMP numbers
$a = gmp_init("0x41682179fbf5");
$res = gmp_div_qr($a, "0xDEFE75");
printf("Result is: q - %s, r - %s",
gmp_strval($res[0]), gmp_strval($res[1]));