current() also works on objects:
echo current((object) array('one', 'two')); // Outputs: one
PHP - Manual: current
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
current — 返回数组中的当前值
将返回 false
版本 | 说明 |
8.1.0 | 弃用在 object 上调用此函数。 要么首先使用 get_mangled_object_vars() 将 object 转换为 array,要么使用实现 Iterator 的类提供的方法,例如 ArrayIterator。 |
7.4.0 | SPL 类的实例现在被视为没有属性的空对象,而不是调用与此函数同名的 Iterator 方法。 |
示例 #1 current() 函数使用示例
$transport = array('foot', 'bike', 'car', 'plane');
$mode = current($transport); // $mode = 'foot';
$mode = next($transport); // $mode = 'bike';
$mode = current($transport); // $mode = 'bike';
$mode = prev($transport); // $mode = 'foot';
$mode = end($transport); // $mode = 'plane';
$mode = current($transport); // $mode = 'plane';
$arr = array();
var_dump(current($arr)); // bool(false)
$arr = array(array());
var_dump(current($arr)); // array(0) { }
current() also works on objects:
echo current((object) array('one', 'two')); // Outputs: one
It looks like `current()` is deprectated for calling on objects since PHP 7.4.
Consider this code
$a = new ArrayIterator([1,2,3]);
var_dump(current($a), $a->current());
It returns
In PHP 7.3, but in PHP7.4 you get:
And in PHP8:
Deprecated: current(): Calling current() on an object is deprecated in /in/fdrNR on line 5
To that "note": You won't be able to distinguish the end of an array from a boolean FALSE element, BUT you can distinguish the end from a NULL value of the key() function.
if (key($array) === null) {
echo "You are in the end of the array.";
} else {
echo "Current element: " . current($array);
Note, that you can pass array by expression, not only by reference (as described in doc).
var_dump( current( array(1,2,3) ) ); // (int) 1
The docs do not specify this, but adding to the array using the brackets syntax:
<?php $my_array[] = $new_value; ?>
will not advance the internal pointer of the array. therefore, you cannot use current() to get the last value added or key() to get the key of the most recently added element.
You should do an end($my_array) to advance the internal pointer to the end ( as stated in one of the notes on end() ), then
$last_key = key($my_array); // will return the key
$last_value = current($my_array); // will return the value
If you have no need in the key, $last_value = end($my_array) will also do the job.
- Sergey.
For large array(my sample was 80000+ elements), if you want to traverse the array in sequence, using array index $a[$i] could be very inefficient(very slow). I had to switch to use current($a).
If you do current() after using uset() on foreach statement, you can get FALSE in PHP version 5.2.4 and above.
There is example:
$prices = array(
0 => '1300990',
1 => '500',
2 => '600'
foreach($prices as $key => $price){
if($price < 1000){
var_dump(current($prices)); // bool(false)
If you do unset() without foreach? all will be fine.
$prices = array(
0 => '1300990',
1 => '500',
2 => '600'
Array can be passed by both REFERENCE and EXPRESSION on `current`, because current doesn't move array's internal pointer,
this is not true for other functions like: `end`, `next`, `prev` etc.
function foo() {return array(1,2,3);}
echo current(foo()); // this print '1'
echo end(foo()); // this print error: Only variables should be passed by reference
Array functions, such as `current()` and `rewind()` will work on `Traversable` as well, PHP 5.0 - 7.3, but not in HHVM:
$queue = new ArrayIterator(array('adasdasd'));
$current = current($queue);
Note that by copying an array its internal pointer is lost:
$myarray = array(0=>'a', 1=>'b', 2=>'c');
echo '<br>';
$a = $myarray;
Would output 'b' and then 'a' since the internal pointer wasn't copied. You can cope with that problem using references instead, like that:
$a =& $myarray;
Based on this example i would like to add the following. As Vasily points out in his example
$prices = array(
0 => '1300990',
1 => '500',
2 => '600'
foreach($prices as $key => $price){
if($price < 1000){
var_dump(current($prices)); // bool(false)
The above example will not work and return false for version of PHP between 5.2.4 and 5.6.29. The issue is not present on PHP versions >= 7.0.1
A different workaround (at least from Vasily's example) would be to use reset() before using current() in order to reset the array pointer to start.
$prices = array(
0 => '1300990',
1 => '500',
2 => '600'
foreach($prices as $key => $price){
if($price < 1000){
var_dump(current($prices)); // string(7) "1300990"